We are very far from the days when phones were actually meant for making mainly calls, these days when phones are reviewed very little attention is paid to how well the phone's signal and call quality performs especially on different networks. We have jumped from all that to phones that have mind blowing specs such as the most recent Snapdragon 810 processor and up to 3GBs of RAM on some phones, some boast 2 days of battery life and others have 2k screens ( and we are not calling names).
So yes we are in the age of SPEC WARS ( nice almost like STAR WARS), and the question on everyones mind is "What is next?", we'll tell you what is.Its the Samsung Note 4 Edge, the LG G flex 2 and the Yotaphone 2. So without further delay we'll jump right into it.

The Samsung Note 4 features 5.6 inch Super AMOLED display with a curved screen edge on the right side of the phone of about 160 pixels. In order for samsung to make this happen they made a lot of trade-offs most of which border on the ergonomics of an otherwise pristine gadget. For left handed users this phone is going to be a pain, because your fingers end up resting on the edge screen and they end up making unintended inputs - like, what were they thinking?. Also the edge screen takes up the whole right edge and as such the power button has to go all the way to the top of the phone, now i don't know about you but reaching to the top of a 5.7 inch screen phone every now and then is gonna be a major pain.

On to the LG G Flex 2, now this phone made its debut at the CES 2015 and as its name implies it features a curved display from to the top to bottom of the screen. As such it's said to fit your face better when making calls and also fit better in your pocket.but besides these points i honestly can't imagine an important feature this curved display endows this phone with.

Our last but by no way the least is the Yotaphone 2 which features two screens, yes you read that right two screens!, a 5" 1080p AMOLED on the front and a 4.7" e-paper display on the back, the e-paper display is 7 times more power efficient and this is really required considering the size of the battery which is 2500mAh So what do you do with the second screen, well it shows the clock and notifications as such it saves your battery. The second screen can also mirrow the main screen such that it show everything that suppose to show on the main screen. Now personally, although the concept of a second screen is pretty cool i don't see its great use.
From these latest "advancement" or gimmicks as many have said it seems like the phone companies may have finally reached that tipping point where nothing and useful is being released and all that is left is a continuous gradual price drop of phones with high specs.
So tell us what you think in the comments below - Are the phone companies going in the right direction or are we finally at a stand off.
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